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My Grandma-Our Griot
My Grandma-Our Griot: Video Interview Adding Perspective to Life and Changes in America Over a 90 year-span of my Living Grandmother.
Did you know it's only been 70 years since the onset of the Civil Rights Movement? Which means that Black people in America have only had the right to vote and the full legal freedom to access public spaces the same way as White people for 50-60 years.
It was not that long ago when America's laws divided people by the color of their skin and there are millions of people still alive to recall what it was like to live during that time. In fact, the past 3 presidents of the U.S. were all born and grew up during the time when our country underwent major changes in efforts to become a fair and free place for all its citizens. Today there is an open struggle to continue on that path, some would like the days of division to return, while others want progress to achieve equity and equality for all Americans.
Watch this video and gain personal insight from a Black woman who lived on both sides of the American racial divide. She vividly recounts memories from before and after segregation and the struggle for civil rights.

EMPOWER HOUR - Session Five- Review of All 4 Lessons
Click View Event to Register.

EMPOWER HOUR - Session Four- Religion and Black Spirituality
Click View Event to Register.

EMPOWER HOUR - Session Three- Conscientiousness and Census
Click View Event to Register.

EMPOWER HOUR - Session Two- Constructing Black Identity
Click View Event to Register.

Introduction to the EMPOWER HOUR
To join Dr. Jordan, Howard University PhD and Africana Studies scholar for an hour of FREE lessons in Black History in the month of February.
LIVE STREAMED on Facebook @The Black Sanctuary Inc Page. Follow and Like to view the course.