Our ANTI-RACISM Framework

  • Reflection

    Reflective practices at the individual and institutional level can significantly reduce biased racial behavior and systemic practices, which often influence decisions at the micro and macro level of society function. Reflection must be done in a way that is meaningful and conducted in a safe space to help issues that need addressing with concern to trauma, and other racially sensitive subject matter.

    Description: Encouraging individuals and institutions to reflect on their own biases and behavior in relation to the role they play in perpetuating racism. Reflection must be conducted with the intention to produce resolution to problematic perceptions, behaviors. and outcomes of experience that are race based.

    Objectives: Facilitate training and workshops on unconscious bias, anti-racism awareness, and cultural competency to encourage self and organizational reflection to promote open dialogues about overcoming societal racism, inequity and unfair privilege.

    Impact: Fosters personal and societal growth in awareness of racial climate, racial dynamics in public and private spaces, and institutional missions’ efforts to lead in dismantling systemic inequity.